Our dogs are very close to us and a real part of our family. Above all, they are our beloved pets and best friends. We take them on holidays with us, spend a lot of time with them on a day to day basis, as they are our family members. Each Cobber, with its own character traits, allows us to discover these wonderful pets and their unique personalities. We feel very blessed in having them in our lives and it is this unique feeling that we want to share with you. In addition, dogs do keep you fit because you have to go out with them under every weather condition hence giving you your daily recommended dose of exercise. Second for you to know, some of our dogs are chosen for breeding. These litter fill our house with little bundles of joy, and perhaps one of them may find her or his way to a forever home in your hearts. It is not about quantity, but quality, here at Swiss Mountain Cobberdogs.
Yours and our perfect new friend, from our family to yours.
Born °03.11.2020 as
Swiss Mountain Abraham Lincoln
Born °15.05.2021 as
Swiss Mountain Happy's Bubble gum
Born °14.01.2023 as
Swiss Mountain Kathrin Hepurn
small standard
Born °11.04.2020 as
Swiss Mountain Seaberry
Lily Luna Lovegood
Born °06.04.2023 as
Swiss Mountain Lily Luna Lovegood
small medium
All our breeding dogs are tested on HD (hipdysplasia) and ED (elbow dysplasia), by X-rays. Again, test results are on their individual page. We can tell you more about how to prevent HD in your future puppy.
By DNA testing, we can screen our dogs on a wide variety of genetic conditions, like EIC, PRA/PRCD, DM, v. Willibrand Disease, etc. The DNA status of all our breeding dogs is on their individual page.
Every year, our breeding dogs get a full eye examination by a specialist. They are checked on entropion, cataract, MPP, PHTVL/PHPV, RD, CEA, PRA,... with an official ECVO certificate.